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Ingredient group: Na-butyrate

This group contains 2 ingredients.


CAS Registry Number®: 156-54-7 (100%)
PubChem CID: 5222465 (50%)
GESTIS ZVG-Nr.: 492963 (100%)

C4H7NaO2 (100%)
110.087 g/mol (50%)
110.09 g/mol (50%)


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Ingredients from this group


CAS Registry Number®: 156-54-7
ChEBI: 64103
GESTIS ZVG-Nr.: 492963
Formula: C4H7NaO2
Mass: 110.087 g/mol

Sodium butyrate

CAS Registry Number®: 156-54-7
PubChem CID: 5222465
ChEBI: 64103
GESTIS ZVG-Nr.: 492963
Formula: C4H7NaO2
Mass: 110.09 g/mol