Strain modifications for Medium 1040

4 distinct modifications were found.

Reduce amount of Na-lactate to 0.6 g/l and replace Wolin's vitamin solution of medium 141 with the vitamin solution of medium 521.

Modified strains

Desulfoluna spongiiphila DSM 17682
Desulfoluna limicola DSM 111985

Annotated modifications

0.6 g Na-DL-lactate
- Wolin's vitamin solution
+ 10 ml Vitamin solution

Replace lactate with 3.0 g/l D-glucose added to the autoclaved medium from a sterile anoxic stock solution and adjust pH of complete medium to 6.0.

Modified strains

Tepidibacter formicigenes DSM 15518

Annotated modifications

3 g D-Glucose

Replace lactate with 3.0 g/l D-glucose added to the autoclaved medium from a sterile anoxic stock solution and adjust pH of complete medium to 7.5 -8.0.

Modified strains

Petrocella atlantisensis DSM 105309

Annotated modifications

7.5 - 8.0
3 g D-Glucose

Replace lactate with 3.0 g/l D-glucose added to the autoclaved medium from a sterile anoxic stock solution.

Modified strains

Vallitalea guaymasensis DSM 24848
Abyssivirga alkaniphila DSM 29592

Annotated modifications

3 g D-Glucose