Strain modifications for Medium 1166

10 distinct modifications were found.

Do not add thiosulfate and sulfide. Replace formate and pyruvate with 2.00 g/l D-glucose as substrate, added after autoclaving from an anoxic stock solution sterilized by filtration

Modified strains

Anaerobacillus sp. DSM 22341

Annotated modifications

Na2S2O3 x 5 H2O
Na2S x 9 H2O
2 g/l D-Glucose

Prepare medium without formate and adjust pH of final medium to 9.5.

Modified strains

Desulfitispora alkaliphila DSM 22410

Annotated modifications


Replace formate and pyruvate with 1.00 g/l D-galacturonic acid sodium salt as substrate, added after autoclaving from an anoxic stock solution sterilized by filtration.

Modified strains

Natranaerovirga hydrolytica DSM 24176
Natranaerovirga pectinivora DSM 24629

Annotated modifications

1 g D-galacturonic acid

Replace formate and pyruvate with 1.10 g/l Na-butyrate added after autoclaving from an anoxic stock solution sterilized by filtration.

Modified strains

Desulfonatronobacter acidivorans DSM 24257
Desulfonatronobacter acetoxydans DSM 29847

Annotated modifications

1.1 g Na-butyrate

Replace formate and pyruvate with 1.60 g/l Na-acetate as substrate and supplement medium with 3.00 g/l sulfur. For sterilization steam sulfur for 3 hours on each of 3 successive days. Add sulfur aseptically to the autoclaved medium while retaining anoxic conditions.

Modified strains

Desulfurispira natronophila DSM 22071

Annotated modifications

3 g Elemental sulfur
1.6 g Na acetate

Replace formate and pyruvate with 1.92 g/l Na-propionate added after autoclaving from an anoxic stock solution sterilized by filtration.

Modified strains

Desulfobulbus alkaliphilus DSM 24258

Annotated modifications

1.92 g Na-propionate

Replace formate and pyruvate with 2.00 g/l D-glucose as substrate, added after autoclaving from anoxic stock solutions sterilized by filtration. Adjust pH of final medium to 9.0 - 9.5

Modified strains

Natronincola sp. DSM 22429

Annotated modifications

9.0 - 9.5
2 g D-Glucose

Replace formate and pyruvate with 2.00 g/l D-xylose added after autoclaving from an anoxic stock solution sterilized by filtration.

Modified strains

Natronoflexus pectinivorans DSM 24179

Annotated modifications

2 g D-Xylose

Replace formate and pyruvate with 20.00 ml/l of a 1 M Na-crotonate solution sterilized by filtration and added after autoclaving (see medium 870).

Modified strains

Desulfitispora elongata DSM 29990

Annotated modifications

+ 20 ml Na-crotonate solution (1 M)

Replace pyruvate with 0.20 g/l Na-acetate.

Modified strains

Desulfonatronovibrio magnus DSM 24400

Annotated modifications

0.2 g Na acetate