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Main sol. 11b

Internal Solution-ID: S14

Equipment needed: Autoclave Hungate tubes Gassing station
Compound Amount Unit Conc. [g/L] Conc. [mM]
Casein peptone
(tryptic digest)
10.00 g 10 -
Meat extract 10.00 g 10 -
Yeast extract 5.00 g 5 -
Glucose 20.00 g 20 111.012
Tween 80 1.00 g 1 0.764
Resazurin 1.00 mg 1.0e-3 0.004
K2HPO4 2.00 g 2 11.483
Na-acetate 5.00 g 5 60.951
(NH4)3 citrate 2.00 g 2 8.223
MgSO4 x 7 H2O 0.20 g 0.2 0.811
MnSO4 x H2O 0.05 g 0.05 0.296
Distilled water 1000.00 ml - -
L-Cysteine HCl x H2O 0.50 g 0.5 2.847
1 Cysteine is added after the medium has been boiled and cooled under CO2. Adjust pH to 6.2 - 6.5, distribute under N2 and autoclave.
11b MRS MEDIUM (pre-reduced)