Name Growth Modifications External links
Archaeon Methanohalophilus mahii DSM 5219 37 °C | anaerobic Supplement medium with 0.50 g/l Casamino acids (DIFCO), 10.00 ml/l of fatty acid mixture (see medium 119) and 0.25 g/l L-cysteine-HCl x H2O from sterile anoxic stock solutions prepared under 100% N2 gas. Adjust pH of complete medium to 7.4 - 7.5 with a sterile anoxic stock solution of NaOH. DSMZ BacDive
Archaeon Methanohalophilus portucalensis DSM 7471 37 °C | anaerobic DSMZ BacDive
Archaeon Methanohalophilus sp. DSM 7472 37 °C | anaerobic DSMZ BacDive
Archaeon Methanohalophilus sp. DSM 7473 37 °C | anaerobic DSMZ BacDive
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