# 1353: YTBC - MEDIUM ## Main sol. 1353 1 g Yeast extract 5 g Tryptone 5 g Casamino acids 5 g Beef extract (Lab-Lemco-Powder) 1 g K2HPO4 1 g NH4NO3 0.25 g Na2S x 9 H2O 0.25 g Cysteine HCl 7.5 mg NiCl2 x 6 H2O 5 ml **Trace element solution** 0.5 ml Resazurin (0.1% v/v) 250 ml **Artifical seawater solution** 750 ml Distilled water 1. Prepare the liquid medium without Na2S and cysteine-HCl. Boil the medium in a water bath and cool under N2:CO2 (80:20 v/v) to room temperature. Adjust to pH 7.0 with 10 M NaOH solution. Dispense the medium into Hungate tubes or serum bottles. Sterilize by autoclaving. Before inoculatiing add Na2S and cysteine-HCl from sterile stock solutions. ## Trace element solution 1 g FePO4 0.01 g Na2WO4 x 2 H2O 0.01 g Na2SO3 x 5 H2O 500 ml Distilled water ## Artifical seawater solution 20 g NaCl 3 g MgCl2 x 6 H2O 6 g MgSO4 x 7 H2O 0.2 g NaHCO3 0.3 g CaCl2 x 2 H2O 0.5 g KCl 0.42 g KH2PO4 0.05 g NaBr 0.02 g SrCl2 0.01 g Fe(NH4)citrate 1 g (NH4)2SO4 1000 ml Distilled water