# 429e: e. COLUMBIA BLOOD AGAR 10% ## Main sol. 429e 1000 ml Columbia agar base 10 % Horse blood 1. Columbia agar base supplemented with 10% horse blood. Rehydrate pellets of freeze-dried ampoules in liquid medium 545, 215 or 1 (see below). For rehydration of Helicobacter and Campylobacter spp., use medium 215 (brain heart infusion). ## 545. TRYPTONE SOYA BROTH (TSB) 17 g Casein peptone 3 g Soy peptone 2.5 g D(+)-Glucose 5 g NaCl 2.5 g K2HPO4 1000 ml Distilled water 1. Adjust pH to 7.3. 2. The same as Caso Bouillon (Merck or Oxoid, Germany). ## 215. BHI MEDIUM 37 g Brain heart infusion (Difco) 1000 ml Distilled water ## 1. NUTRIENT BROTH 5 g Peptone 3 g Meat extract 1000 ml Distilled water 1. Adjust pH to 7.0.