# 874: FERROPLASMA ACIDIPHILUM MEDIUM ## Main sol. 874 930 ml **Solution A** 50 ml **Solution B** 10 ml **Solution C** 10 ml **Solution D** 1. Add solutions B and C to solution A, adjust pH of the combined solution to 1.6 - 1.8 with H2SO4, then sterilize using membrane filter and dispense in sterile culture vessels. Prior to use, add the appropriate volume of solution D sterilized by autoclaving. ## Solution A 0.4 g MgSO4 x 7 H2O 0.2 g (NH4)2SO4 0.1 g KCl 0.1 g K2HPO4 930 ml Distilled water ## Solution B 25 g FeSO4 x 7 H2O 40 ml H2SO4 (1 N) 10 ml Distilled water ## Solution C 10 ml **Trace element solution** ## Solution D 0.2 g Yeast extract (OXOID) 10 ml Distilled water ## Trace element solution 1.93 g FeCl3 x 6 H2O 0.18 g MnCl2 x 4 H2O 0.45 g Na2B4O7 x 10 H2O 22 mg ZnSO4 x 7 H2O 5 mg CuCl2 x 2 H2O 3 mg Na2MoO4 x 2 H2O 3.8 mg VOSO4 x 5 H2O 2 mg CoSO4 x 7 H2O 1000 ml Distilled water