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Selected strain: Thermococcus stetteri DSM 5262

This strain uses the standard medium without modifications.

Growth conditions: 75 °C
Equipment needed: Filter Hungate tubes

Final pH: 6.5

Select a strain (optional):

Compound Amount Unit
NH4Cl 0.33 g
CaCl2 x 2 H2O 0.33 g
MgCl2 x 6 H2O 0.33 g
KCl 0.33 g
KH2PO4 0.33 g
Trace element solution SL-10 1.00 ml
Sodium resazurin
(0.1% w/v)
0.50 ml
10.00 g
Distilled water 1000.00 ml
1 Add to the medium 0.5% casitone and 2.5% NaCl (marine source). Adjust pH to 5.7 with hydrochloric acid before sterilization. Sterilize the medium by heating for 1 h at 90 - 100°C on three successive days. Before use add 30.0 ml/l of 5% (w/v) sterile, anaerobic NaHCO3-solution, vitamins and sulfide. Final pH should be 6.5.
Casitone 0.50 %
NaCl 2.50 %
(5% w/v)
30.00 ml
Wolin's vitamin solution 10.00 ml
Na2S x 9 H2O 0.50 g

Trace element solution SL-10 #

Compound Amount Unit
10.0 ml
FeCl2 x 4 H2O 1.5 g
ZnCl2 70.0 mg
MnCl2 x 4 H2O 100.0 mg
H3BO3 6.0 mg
CoCl2 x 6 H2O 190.0 mg
CuCl2 x 2 H2O 2.0 mg
NiCl2 x 6 H2O 24.0 mg
Na2MoO4 x 2 H2O 36.0 mg
Distilled water 990.0 ml
1 First dissolve FeCl2 in the HCl, then dilute in water, add and dissolve the other salts. Finally make up to 1000.00 ml.