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Main sol. 1728

Internal Solution-ID: S3567

Equipment needed: Filter
Compound Amount Unit Conc. [g/L] Conc. [mM]
Peptone 0.1 g 0.1 -
Yeast extract 0.1 g 0.1 -
Glucose 1.0 g 1 5.551
(NH4)2SO4 0.2 g 0.2 1.514
Hutner's salts 20.0 ml - -
Vitamin solution 10.0 ml - -
Distilled water 970.0 ml - -
Agar , for solid medium 15.0 g 15 44.599
1 pH 7.0- 7.5
2 For solid medium, add 15g of agar per liter.
3 Glucose and vitamin solution should be filter-sterilized separately.
1728 MMB MEDIUM (ATCC 2254)