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Main sol. J825

Internal Solution-ID: S4784

Equipment needed: Anaerobic workbench Filter Autoclave
Compound Amount Unit Conc. [g/L] Conc. [mM]
1.00 g 0.979 13.779
Peptone 1.00 g 0.979 -
Yeast extract 1.00 g 0.979 -
K2HPO4 1.60 g 1.567 8.997
NaH2PO4 x 2 H2O 1.00 g 0.979 8.164
NH4Cl 0.50 g 0.49 9.155
MgSO4 x 7 H2O 0.16 g 0.157 0.636
CaCl2 x 2 H2O 0.06 g 0.059 0.4
Trace element solution SL-4 10.00 ml - -
Trace vitamins 10.00 ml - -
Resazurin 0.50 mg 4.9e-4 0.002
Distilled water 930.00 ml - -
1 Mix components thoroughly and adjust pH to 7.0. Autoclave the medium under a N2 atmosphere. Add the following solutions from sterile anaerobic stocks (autoclaved or *filter-sterilized):
50.00 ml - -
(*, 8%)
1.25 ml - -
L-Cysteine HCl x H2O
10.00 ml - -
Na2S x 9 H2O
10.00 ml - -