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Main sol. 926

Internal Solution-ID: S1907

Equipment needed: Anaerobic workbench
Compound Amount Unit Conc. [g/L] Conc. [mM]
NaCl 27.70 g 13.85 236.995
MgSO4 x 7 H2O 7.00 g 3.5 14.2
MgCl2 x 6 H2O 5.50 g 2.75 13.527
KCl 0.65 g 0.325 4.359
NaBr 0.10 g 0.05 0.486
NaHCO3 0.32 g 0.16 1.905
K2HPO4 1.00 g 0.5 2.871
CaCl2 x 2 H2O 0.05 mg 2.5e-5 1.7e-4
KI 15.00 mg 0.008 0.029
H3BO3 0.03 g 0.015 0.243
Modified Wolin's mineral solution II 20.00 ml - -
Distilled water 2000.00 ml - -
1 Prepare the medium anaerobically under nitrogen. Do not adjust the pH.
2 Prepare separate anaerobic stock solutions of, Casamino acids(10%), Yeast extract (10%), and glycine (2M = 150 g/l). A 0.5M polysulphide solution is prepared by dissolving 12.0 g Na2S x 9 H2O in oxygen free water, followed by adding 1.6 g sulphur - the solution will be dark yellow.